Technology Student Association
Welcome to Pine-Richlands's Technology Student Association(TSA) chapter website. TSA is a national organization aimed at students interested in technology. TSA gives students the oppurtunity to pursue academic challenges among their friends with similar goals and interests. Students in the TSA program will learn leaderships skills that will follow them to their professional lives.
The official TSA motto is "Learning To Live In A Technical World". TSA allows students to explore the rewarding aspects that technology offers. Student's in our program study engineering, computer aided design, architecture, graphic design, web design, and video production. All of these skills can be used later in life at the professional level. Registration and Questions are at the bottom of the page.
Congrats to all students that have qualified for States! See Mr. Clark for more information about States Events.
2016 Conference Results:
2016 Regional Conference Results habe been released!
2016 Updates will be coming soon!
2015 State Conference Results:
In last year's Regional and State Conferences, Pine-Richland's Chapter of Technology Student Association participated. We performed well sending 15 students to the State Conference, and having 3 events that were able to attend the National Conference. Unfortunatley, the 3 events did not attend Nationals. The advisors that attended were: Evan Clark, Jeffery Seybert, Jeffrey Maple
Chapter Results:
TSA Video Production
TSA RegistrationPine-Richland's Technology Student Asscoication Chapter is always looking for new and innovative members to join! Just fill out the form below and get yourself added to the mail list today! |
Questions?Just leave your name, email, and question. We will get back to you as soon as possible! |